You are here because you discovered a charge on your card you do not recognize. We're here to help, but please note that we are VIMEO OTT and can only assist with VIMEO OTT-related charges. Our charges usually look something like this: OTT* SUBSCRIPTIONNAME.
If this is what you are seeing on your statement and you do not recognize it, please use the contact link and include the following information in your message:
If this is what you are seeing on your statement and you do not recognize it, please use the contact link and include the following information in your message:
- Last 4 digits of your credit card charged
- The expiration date of the card charged
- What the charge is listed as on your statement
- The date of the charge
Why are you charging me?
It’s very likely that you purchased, rented, or subscribed to a video network on Vimeo OTT recently. You should visit this page and see what you purchased: View Your Purchases
Can I get a receipt for the charges?
We send a receipt to the email address you provided when you purchased the video from its website. We’d be happy to resend you a receipt if you need it.
It’s very likely that you purchased, rented, or subscribed to a video network on Vimeo OTT recently. You should visit this page and see what you purchased: View Your Purchases
Can I get a receipt for the charges?
We send a receipt to the email address you provided when you purchased the video from its website. We’d be happy to resend you a receipt if you need it.
Search the Help Center to find answers or, if you're still having trouble, contact us
If I don't have an apple tv or laptop or cell phone will gazebotv still work
Yes you can access your video library 24/7 via the web by logging into your account at
Login Here and happy watching!
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